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Joint statement by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and UNI Global Union on the outcome of the complaint to the German National Contact Point for the OECD Multinational Guidelines about the conduct of DP-DHL

Actualités Communiqué de presse

Stephen Cotton, the general secretary of the ITF, said: “This is a new phase in the relationship between the global unions and DP-DHL. All of us have a joint responsibility to convert this into something meaningful for DHL workers. What this agreement gives us is a more progressive industrial relationship that includes dispute resolution mechanisms, supply chain responsibility and reaffirms the right of workers to a collective voice at work without fear of retaliation. We will work with our unions to ensure that this agreement succeeds.”

Philip Jennings, the general secretary of UNI Global Union, said: “We acknowledge and welcome the central role of the German government in making this important protocol possible. This commits DP-DHL to the OECD Guidelines and to building a more productive relationship with the global unions. It is now incumbent upon all parties to make it work and deliver results for DP-DHL workers around the world.”

Andrea Kocsis, the deputy national chair of ver.di (Germany’s United Services Union), has also welcomed the agreement with Deutsche Post DHL: “Based on the agreed protocol, the relationship between Deutsche Post-DHL and the global unions must grow so that we can use this dialogue to improve employees’ working conditions around the world.”


For more information please contact:

At the ITF: Andy Khan-Gordon
Tel: + 44 (0)20 7940 9282 / +44 (0)7711 356 964

At UNI: Stephen De Matteo
Tel: +41 22 365 21 95