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ITF backs Jordan's FIFA bid


The Federation today echoed the ITUC by calling on FIFA delegates to support Jordan’s prince Ali bin Al Hussein in Friday’s election for FIFA president – and is asking member unions to echo this support locally.

In a letter to the prince, ITF general secretary Steve Cotton expressed concern about Qatar's well-publicised human rights abuses, and explained: "ITF unions and their members are also determined to address the discrimination, the oppressive living and working environment and the lack of labour rights faced by Qatar Airways staff."

Prince Ali bin Al Hussein, who has confirmed his support for proposals to ensure human rights standards in FIFA events, is now the only remaining candidate opposing Sepp Blatter, the Swiss football administrator who is currently the FIFA president.

Sharan Burrow, ITUC general secretary, said that he was the candidate who offered "the best hope for Qatar’s exploited workforce". For more details see.

Before the crucial vote on Friday, please take a moment to send a message to the presidents of the six FIFA Confederations to encourage their member associations to vote the right way; don't forget to share the link too:


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