The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has welcomed a delegation from the ACFTU (All China Federation of Trade Unions) to its London, UK headquarters for four days after which the Chinese mission travels on to the ITF’s global congress in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The ACFTU delegation arrived yesterday evening and today embarked on workplace visits arranged by the ITF-affiliated Aslef union to railway sites in London and Ashford. They now go on to a round of meetings with the ITF and its British member trade unions. On Saturday they travel to Bulgaria to observe the ITF’s world congress, the decision-making event that drives the organisation’s agenda for the next four years (see
Speaking from London, ITF president Paddy Crumlin commented: “This visit is a direct and rewarding result of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) our two organisations signed in April, which committed us to a process of dialogue and information sharing. We’re delighted that the delegation is able to meet with unions and workers here in the UK and then come with us to watch the ITF in action at our global congress.”
ITF acting general secretary Steve Cotton added: “It was a pleasure to see our ACFTU guests meeting transport workers today as part of this important weeklong mission to share ideas and experiences, and seek common ground.”
He continued: “We would like to thank Aslef, and also SouthEastern, for making today’s visits possible.”
The MOU signed in April committed the two organisations to exploring areas of possible co-operation, and instituted biannual meetings to check on progress (see for details).
ITF welcomes Chinese trade union confederation
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