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Papua New Guinea workers win right to organise


After almost a decade of struggle with employers RD Tuna, workers in Papua New Guinea last week finally won the right to form an independent union.

RD Tuna, a Filipino company with operations based in Papua New Guinea, has a long history of anti-union behaviour. This has included establishing an internal company union to justify not recognising other unions, and even arresting workers and union officials who’d attempted to resolve previous disputes.

At a secret ballot conducted by the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations last week, workers voted to dissolve the internal company union, establish a branch of the ITF and IUF-affiliated Maritime and Transport Workers Union (MTWU) called RD Tuna Cannery Branch, and to adopt the laws of this well-established and independent union. 

Reg McAllister, MTWU general secretary, was delighted with the result: “After years of attempting to organise into independent unions, the 3000 workers who have already pledged to join the union can now enjoy full and independent representation. The management have been refusing to meet with us for years so this legal decision gives us the right to start collective bargaining and open negotiations to address some core labour violations. The next stage for us will be to ensure that the 250 workers in RD Fishing can access the same rights.”

Liz Blackshaw, ITF/IUF fisheries programme leader, echoed these thoughts. She said that the MTWU had worked hard to support workers in fighting for access to their rights, and this victory had opened a new door with RD management. She further said that she looked forward to ensuring the union enjoyed positive negotiations, improving conditions for workers and enjoying the longevity of RD Tuna’s business in Papua New Guinea.

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