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ITF and UITP back public transport through historic memorandum


The MOU, signed in Brussels by UITP secretary general Alain Flausch and ITF acting general secretary Steve Cotton, convenes the ITF and UITP to work together to develop joint recommendations in vocational training and staff security. They will also tackle the promotion of formal employment in public transport, and the reduction of informal employment. The organisations also agreed to work to represent the interests of public transport workers in international organisation like the ILO, to promote the high quality employment that public transport offers in urban areas. A joint working group, to be set up in early 2014 by the two parties, will develop the work programme.

Cotton commented: “This signing dedicates both bodies to the cause of public transport systems that are accessible, safe and good for all those who use and work on them. It also upholds the spirit of joint working and tripartism embodied by the ILO.” Flausch noted that investment in public transport infrastructure and services creates direct jobs, as well as being a fantastic generator for wider business activity, and indirect jobs for city economies.

You can read the full MOU at

Learn more about the UITP’s work at

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