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Yemen port workers strike as demands are ignored


ITF’s new affiliate in Yemen, the Labor Committee for Aden Container Termina,l protested last week in front of the port administration, after attempts to reach the ports management and the Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation failed.
For two months, the workers have been asking for improvements to working conditions, including better lighting and repairs to the public road leading to the port. Health and safety standards in the port are also on the workers’ agenda, with demands for basic safety equipment going unheard for the last eighteen months.
Reports suggest that management has not shown any willingness to  negotiate, and there have also been reports on the use of intimidation to keep workers quiet.

The ITF has expressed its support by sending a letter to the ministry of transport in Yemen as well as the CEO of the company asking for their intervention to resolve the dispute through dialogue and negotiation.
Bilal Malkawi commented: “The workers at Aden Port suffered when DPW used to operate the terminal. They are now unfortunately suffering again from the new public management. I am sure the workers are strong enough to defend the workers rights. We in the ITF global family are supporting the union in Aden, and will be ready to act in solidarity.”

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