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ITF Africa regional conference goes digital


The ITF Africa regional conference, which will take place from 23-27 September in Addis Ababa, is ITF Africa’s largest meeting. During the conference there will be an opportunity for delegates to debate and discuss priority areas for Africa’s transport workers. Whether present at the conference in Addis Ababa or not, the website will enable affiliates to have their say through electronic communication for the first time ever in online debates. The debates will be carried forward to the ITF global congress in 2014, and used to help shape ITF global strategic direction to 2018.
In his introduction to the site, ITF Africa regional secretary Joseph Katende called on all affiliates to get involved in shaping the future strategic direction of the ITF. In particular, Katende urged Africa’s young workers and women, who have in the past been under-represented at the African regional conference, to take advantage of the online discussions and take the chance to get involved.
Africa already has many vibrant social media and communication networks, with active section leaders, union officials, and activists. The hope is that the site will make the most of these existing networks and become a useful tool for unions and activists to communicate with the ITF.
“Our conference this year will address key items of importance for our region” said Katende. “We have a very active network of African communicators, Francophone, Anglophone and Lusophone, and it seems that African workers have much to say about their future. We want ITF Africa to tell us its thoughts. Join the debate, help us build a strategy, and create a stronger ITF Africa.”.
Visit the regional conference site at ITF Africa 2013.
Like ITF Africa on Facebook and follow them on Twitter for more information.

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