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ETF and IDC announce joint Euro ports policy overview


The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), the European arm of the ITF and the International Dockworkers’ Council – European zone (IDC-E), have met to discuss the latest developments in European Union ports policy, as well as the critical situations of Spain, Greece and Portugal.

Following their meeting in Brussels the two organisations released a statement giving a joint overview of the situation in ports in Europe. The statement, jointly authored by ETF dockers’ section chair Terje Samuelsen and IDC coordinator for the European zone Anthony Tetard, welcomed the announcement from the European Commission that it does not intend to intervene on cargo-handling and port labour. Concern was expressed however about ongoing demands by shipowners to liberalise port labour and in addition, over attempts at a national level to weaken organised dockers in Spain, Portugal and Greece.

The statement reads: The European Commission is promoting social dialogue at European level and should also encourage national governments to tackle through social dialogue the critical situations that are being experienced in some member states, notably in Portugal and Greece.

For the benefit of the whole sector, the European Commission should ensure that transparency is guaranteed, that social criteria are taken into account, and that workers’ rights are respected in the event of concessions to private operators and investors.

The ETF and IDC reiterated their determination to defend European ports for “their members, the community and future generations”.  

ITF dockers’ section secretary Sharon James said: “These two organisations are committed to working together to get the best outcome for dockworkers. European ports are the most productive in the world and the ETF and the IDC will stay united and vigilant in order to protect that productivity and ultimately to retain jobs and standards for the workers who are contributing to those high productivity levels.”

View the full statement in this ETF/IDC press release.

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