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ITF urges Romania to act over metro negotiations


The ITF has written to the Romanian transport minister to express its concern over the failure of negotiations to conclude a new collective agreement between the Metrorex management and its affiliate the Free Trade Union of Metro and Aviation Workers (USLMA).

The current collective labour agreement at Metrorex is due to expire on 31 March. Unsuccessful rounds of talks led on 6 March to a union demonstration outside the ministry of transport and a rally at the Romanian government headquarters.

In his letter, ITF acting general secretary Stephen Cotton said: “We also understand that following a cut in investments in the Bucharest subway, jobs for certain categories of workers are under threat.

“The ITF and its railway workers' affiliates worldwide fully support the USLMA in its campaign to defend its members' jobs and conditions. An essential part of any good public service structure is good industrial relations and secure employment.

“We, therefore, seek your support to ensure that negotiations work effectively, with the aim of concluding a collective agreement, as per the lawful processes, and that the union's concerns regarding cuts in investment and the impact on workers' jobs are addressed.”

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