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Massive support for global DHL Families’ Day


Massive support for the global DHL Families’ Day on 26 March demonstrated the strength of international outrage over sackings and aggression by logistics giant DHL in Turkey.

Key events were held in London and Istanbul, with support actions around the world targeting local DHL management and the German government, a major shareholder in Deutsche Post-DHL. Unions and sympathisers in many countries visited their German embassies as well as delivering letters to the German government and DHL demanding the immediate end to unlawful acts towards union workers in DHL Turkey and the reinstatement of all 30 workers with full compensation.

In Istanbul, workers on their tea break inside the DHL warehouse in Esenyurt cheered on a 100-strong rally outside led by Tumtis president Kenan Ozturk and representatives from global unions UNI and ITF and involving several Turkish unions and confederations. Tumtis members also staged rallies outside other DHL workplaces.

In London, around 30 representatives from British union Unite, Turkish community group Daymer and the ITF rallied outside the German embassy, while a small delegation headed by ITF general secretary David Cockroft presented a letter to the embassy’s deputy head of economics. And as DHL sponsors Manchester United FC, Unite also organised a rally outside their Old Trafford stadium to let fans and the club know about DHL’s activity in Turkey.

An ETF delegation led by general secretary Eduardo Chagas met the German head of economic affairs and European correspondent in Brussels, and the ETF executive committee meeting in Brussels unanimously adopted a solidarity resolution.

Elsewhere, unions in countries including Australia, Bahrain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, India, Jordan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Panama, Slovenia and Thailand visited, wrote to or petitioned their German embassies or local DHL offices. Norwegian transport unions met a representative from their own government, another major shareholder in Deutsche Post AG/DHL.

ITF acting general secretary Steve Cotton commented: “We are delighted with the support shown around the world for the unfairly dismissed workers and their families in Turkey on DHL Families’ Day. It should send the clearest message to Deutsche Post-DHL that these workers have our full support and that we are determined to get justice for them.”

DHL in Turkey has routinely undermined the free choice of employees to join a union, including by dismissing 30 workers. The Turkish courts have found in favour of all the workers who have appealed against dismissal and in four cases said that the sackings were linked directly to union activity.

To see more about how unions around the world supported the global day of action visit the ITF’s Facebook page or its campaign page.

A video of the London event can also be viewed here:


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