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LAC dockers’ unions set regional agenda at Lima meetings


A number of key dockers’ meetings for the ITF Latin America and Caribbean region have been taking place in Lima, Peru.

Day 1 saw women from ports in Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras and Callao in Peru discuss their concerns over unequal treatment by their employers. Discrimination, lack of training opportunities, personal safety and maternity were just some of the issues raised.

Participants ranged in port roles from clerical workers to crane operators. As well as setting out their most pressing issues to take forward for discussion at the dockers’ section meeting, delegates also spent time putting together a short film challenging the traditional image of a docker. Watch the film.

Regional global network terminal (GNT) operated ports were the focus on Day 2 with additional representatives from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica and Chile joining the delegation. Organising, privatisation, casualisation and attacks on wage levels and working conditions were top of the agenda. The delegation also spent some time on a visit to the nearby Port of Callao.

The GNT campaign is a priority for the ITF, which is working towards establishing minimum standards across each of the global employer networks through dialogue and international organising and solidarity. Find out more on the GNT campaign.

Day 3, the regional dockers section conference, included a series of report backs from unions across the region and identification of priorities and an action plan setting out the way forward.

LAC regional secretary Antonio Fritz said of the three days of meetings: “This has been an opportunity for unions from across our region to come together and discuss their issues. There’s a lot to be done but outcomes here have been positive. I think unions, particularly GNT unions, have left Lima feeling that they have the backing of their regional colleagues to return to their own ports and continue to fight for the rights of their members.”

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