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Call for action as maritime deaths rise in Australia


There has been a union call for action following a report by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau showing a sharp increase in deaths and serious incidents in the maritime and offshore facility sectors in Australian waters in recent years.

The report found that between 2005 and 2012, 254 people were killed, missing or seriously injured in reported marine occurrences.

In 2012, 154 such occurrences were reported – over 50 per cent higher than the 2005 to 2012 average of 100 per year.

The Maritime Union of Australia said the report highlighted the urgent need for the federal government and its agencies to act to reduce the death and serious injury rates. The figures were: "not only shocking, they are a tragedy for the many families and communities who have lost loved ones,” said MUA national secretary Paddy Crumlin, also president of the ITF.  

“The fact that the majority of incidents occurred on flag of convenience ships demonstrates the importance of the ITF’s campaign to reform international shipping standards," he added.  

The MUA has also been campaigning for a robust national stevedoring code of practice and for the offshore sector to be included in harmonised health and safety laws, and will be seeking meetings with federal bodies to address discrepancies in regulation.

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خسارة فادحة لحركتنا النقابية في تشيلي

يشعر الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل (ITF) بالصدمة والأسى لتلقيه نبأ خسارة الحركة النقابية لخوسيه بونين، رئيس الاتحاد الوطني لعمال السكك الحديدية التشيلية (FNTF). لقي بونين حتفه في حادث مأساوي وقع في وقت

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