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ITF Global Poll: People demand investment in sustainable transport. Will leaders at COP29 in Baku finally deliver?

أخبار بيان صحفي

As world leaders gather in Baku for COP29, recent polling from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) reveals overwhelming public support for urgent action and investment in sustainable transport and national decarbonisation plans that protect workers. 

The poll, conducted by YouGov in March and April this year, surveyed voters in 15 countries, representing 1.76 billion people. It found that four in every five people want to see increased investment in sustainable transport (80%), with three quarters also insisting on governments implementing comprehensive national plans to lower emissions in the transport sector (76%).  

Critically, two-thirds of people also back the nationalisation of transport infrastructure and operations (66%) to protect public interests.  

The message from the public is clear: the time for governments to act is now. Over the next two weeks, governments at COP29 must deliver a climate finance deal that secures the trillions of dollars needed for countries to transition to a clean, just and green economy. 

Without decisive action, working people, predominately in the Global South, will continue to bear the brunt of worsening climate impacts. Heat stress alone resulted in 490 billion lost working hours in 2022 and is projected to cut global GDP by $2.4 trillion in 2030 

The devastation of the 2022 Pakistan floods is a stark reminder of what’s at stake from a failure to address workers’ needs. Without funding for loss and damage and a just transition, workers, particularly informal workers, suffer devastating impacts.  

Funding is critical to protect working conditions in the face of our new climate realities, and initial estimates show that at least $75 billion per year is needed for just transition funding to ensure that no worker is left behind. 

Stephen Cotton, the ITF General Secretary, demanded urgency from world leaders: 

“Governments must stop dragging their feet, the new collective quantified goal must be delivered in Baku. The trillions needed to transition the world economy, including transport, to a green future must include the protection of workers’ rights, safe working conditions, and a seat at the table for trade unions.” 

Cotton emphasised that governments must also recognise that transport workers are essential in delivering the decarbonisation of the global economy. “The ITF and our affiliates are sending a clear message: transport unions will hold governments accountable for their climate pledges.” He added. 

National climate plans (NDCs) must be submitted by 2025. These submissions will be scrutinised by transport unions on their commitment to sustainable transport, just transition, and the creation of decent, unionised jobs. The plans must align to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. 

“If leaders are serious about limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, they must implement progressive labour and social policies in the transport sector and beyond,” said Cotton. “A just transition is not a luxury—it’s non-negotiable.”  

Notes for Editors 

The poll’s results reveal the depth of public support for ambitious action. In South Africa and the Philippines (87%) calls for investment in sustainable transport are strong, while in the US (69%), which has the lowest level of support, still over two-thirds of people backed investment.  

Philippines – 87% 

Australia – 79% 

South Africa – 88% 

Canada – 79% 

Mexico – 84% 

Morocco 79% 

Brazil – 82% 

Korea – 79% 

Türkiye - 83% 

France – 77% 

India 81% 

Germany – 73% 

Argentina – 80% 

USA – 69% 

UK – 80% 

Public support for national plans to lower emissions in the transport sector was also high with the Philippines (89%) and South Africa (88%) again leading the way.  

Philippines – 89% 

Brazil – 75% 

South Africa – 88% 

UK – 74% 

Mexico – 83% 

France – 74% 

Korea – 82% 

Canada -73% 

India – 81% 

Argentina – 68% 

Türkiye – 78% 

USA – 65% 

Morocco -78% 

Germany -60% 

Australia – 78% 

Read the full ITF Global Poll

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أخبار بيان صحفي

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