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‘Be ambitious, but be positive’: new union voice delivers UN Global Compact climate message

أخبار بيان صحفي

A newly-appointed labour representative on the board of the United Nations Global Compact has delivered a positive message on the benefits of tackling climate change for workers at the launch of the ‘Ocean Stewardship Coalition’ held in New York today.

“We have a massive task in front of us, to arrest the climate crisis,” ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton told business and government leaders, including top CEOs and Prime Ministers.

But from a labour perspective, if done right, the transition to zero carbon industries can be a big opportunity for workers - for decent pay, for better jobs, and for safer workplaces,” said Cotton. “Let’s be ambitious, but let’s be positive and realistic about what this can mean for workers,” Cotton said.

In Cotton’s first public appearance as a UNGC board member, he threw union support behind a zero carbon emissions target for shipping by 2050. The industry currently accounts for around 2.5 percent of global emissions – a figure that could be much lower, according to the ITF which represents the world’s seafarers.“Global emissions targets will not be met without action in shipping. The industry needs to act, and governments need to set firm sectoral targets to reach zero emissions either multilaterally in the IMO or by including shipping as part of their own emissions caps committed to in Paris,” said Cotton.

Cotton warned against a rush by the industry to cut emissions without considering the impact of new technologies on its workforce, particularly in relation to health and safety and training.

“A just transition must mean a planet safe to live on, and creating industries that are not only green, but also have safe, decent jobs for generations to come.”

"Workers cannot be a climate afterthought," said ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton who has joined the UN Global Compact's board as a labour representative (Credit: ITF)

“Workers must be at the table that determines their futures, because to transform our economy to tackle this challenge we need to bring every worker with us. This means workers represented at all levels from the workplace to international meetings like COP. Workers cannot be a climate afterthought."


About the Stephen Cotton: Stephen Cotton is a British-born trade union leader who joined the ITF in 1993 to head the federation’s maritime agreements unit. He has led the organisation since 2012. Cotton is also chair of the Council of Global Unions which collectively represents more than 200 million workers.

About the ITF: The International Transport Workers’ Federation is a global federation of more than 690 trade unions across 152 countries. The ITF is the voice for nearly 19 million women and men working in the transport industry across the world.

About the UN Global Compact: The United Nations Global Compact is made up of 12,000 businesses who take action to do business responsibly and improve society. In 2021, UN Secretary-General and UNGC board chair António Guterres nominated Stephen Cotton to replace outgoing Civil Society and Labour representative Philip Jennings, who served on the board since 2011.

Media contact: media[at]                      

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أخبار بيان صحفي

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