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Canadian union celebrates reversal on union busting decision


The ITF has been backing Unifor over the dispute in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia which involves the union workers responsible for securing cruise ships at port.

The Sydney Ports Corporation had planned on replacing the stevedores with non-union workers, ignoring the fact that unionised stevedores had serviced the port for more than 50 years.

A rally had been planned as part of the long-running campaign against the employer’s anti-union behaviour, with hundreds from the community and international labour movement predicted to turn out in support of Unifor members.

Lana Payne, Unifor's Atlantic Regional Director, applauded the efforts by all involved. She said:"If there is one place in the country where people understand the important role unions play in our communities and in our country, it's Cape Breton. This is a victory for these 12 workers, but more than that, it is a victory for the entire labour movement. We've shown that fighting back really makes a difference."

ITF dockers’ section chair and president Paddy Crumlin welcomed the reversal and added that the influence of solidarity in union disputes at local, national and international level could not be underestimated.

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