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Regional union leaders mobilise in historic DHL vote


Eight union heads from Panama, Chile and Argentina have travelled to Colombia to support the SNTT as it organises workers ahead of a vote on a possible strike at DHL.

 A DHL worker in Colombia said: “I'm really excited by this vote that we're making happen because the workers will have the opportunity to express their opinions as they want. For us this is very important because in DHL workers cannot do this. When they do speak out they are exposed and even sacked, as has happened to union leaders.”

Esteban Barboza, president of SNTT said: “Workers have the right to organise in unions that meet their interests. With the solidarity of other unions we want to send a message to DHL workers that they are not alone, they have the support of a global network of DHL unions. They should not be afraid.”

The SNTT hopes the vote with force DHL to sit down and negotiate a collective agreement that guarantees fundamental rights and economic improvements for workers.

The union leaders in Colombia to support the organisation are: Nelson Rios, Rogelio Cuvillier and Luis Ruiz (SIELAS, Panamá), Juan Domingo Cornejo, Encina Pablo Antonio and Mordiglia David Santiago (Camioneros Argentina), Luis Higueras Ferrada and Manuel Gómez Jara (Sindicato N1, Chile)

Find out more about the worldwide campaign for respect at DHL here, and keep up to date on Facebook and Twitter.

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