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Estonian dockers to picket management building in fight for voice at work


That’s Jyri Lember Chairman of ITF-affiliate the Estonian Independent Seamens Union (EMSA).

Workers at Transiidikeskuse AS Muuga, Tallinn elected a union steward to represent their interests in negotiations with management. But the relationship between the parties has deteriorated since management wrote to the EMSA refusing to recognise him. Not being legally-recognised means the steward misses out on crucial rights which benefit the union under Estonian law, such as the right to be informed and consulted over any workplace changes.

Lember said: “This shows total disregard for the wishes of the workforce.

“62% of dockers and tallymen in Tallinn are members of the union. They’ve taken steps to protect their legitimate right to representation but management just isn’t willing to accept that.

“This dispute hasn’t just come out of nowhere, there is a history of management in Transiidikeskuse employing anti-union tactics and threatening job security. The refusal to recognise the new steward is just the latest in a long line of actions.”

Support the Estonian dockers by sending a letter to the managing director of the company calling for recognition of the workers’ chosen union representative.  

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