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Nepal affiliates assist rebuilding efforts


ITWAN is helping rebuild the more than 1,000 homes of union members that were badly affected. Its teams, led by the general secretary, vice-chairs and other officers, have been working continuously since 9 May in the districts of Makawanpur, Kavrepalanchock, Gauribisauna, Gorkha and Kathmandu, where mainly women participated.

NETWON worked ceaselessly to help many of the one million people who fled Kathmandu in the days immediately following the earthquake. Many of its members volunteered their services and other organisations worked with the union to provide free transport. Since then, the union has distributed tents and set up its own emergency fund to encourage members to help the earthquake victims.

While damage caused by the earthquake to the union’s head office is being assessed, NETWON faces the additional challenge of co-ordinating from scattered temporary premises its relief response and its work representing and organising members.

The affiliates' commendable work will be given a boost when they receive funds committed by the ITF.

NETWON president Ajay Rai thanked the ITF and all those who had supported the Nepalese unions and said: “We need to hold high morals and esteem in this time of disaster and work towards the greater cause of rebuilding the nation.”

To donate to the ITF Nepal earthquake fund, use the following details. Donations must be referenced as Nepal Earthquake Relief Donation.

Account No: 68619219
Sort Code: 40-05-15
Swift Code: MIDLGB22
IBAN No: GB98 MIDL 4005 1568 6192 19
Account Name: International Transport Workers Federation

Bank Address:
London Bridge Branch
28 Borough High Street

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