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DCA crash underscores aviation workers’ heavy responsibility and unwavering commitment


In light of the announcement that the PSA Airlines Flight 5342 crash has now moved to a recovery operation, the ITF mourns the tragic loss of life of the crew and passengers on board the aircraft and the personnel aboard the military helicopter.

“This tragedy is felt across our movement,” said Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary. “Our thoughts are with their families, friends, and our union siblings at the Association of Flight Attendants, the Air Line Pilots Association, and the wider aviation community. The ITF commits to supporting our affiliates through this difficult time.”

We also recognise the professionalism and courage that air traffic controllers displayed in trying to avert this disaster, and then rapidly respond in the immediate aftermath to redirect aircraft and keep our skies safe.

The ITF extends its unwavering support to our affiliate, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), the union representing America’s air traffic controllers, whose members were on duty at Washington National Airport when this accident took place.

“Aviation workers move people and goods across the skies safely every day, but days like today remind us of the heavy burden and responsibility they carry to keep us safe and the world moving,” said Cotton.

Aviation safety must always be guided by facts, and we must take every step necessary to learn from this tragedy.”

As the investigation moves forward, our affiliates have committed to supporting the process, and we will stand by them every step of the way.

“Today, the ITF, its 740 unions, and 16.5 million transport workers worldwide stand in solidarity with our affiliates in the United States,” Cotton concluded. “We reaffirm our commitment to strive for constant advances for safety in the industry and for the workers who power it,” concluded Cotton.




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