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ITF welcomes settlement between ILWU and ICTSI

Hовости Пресс-релиз

Paddy Crumlin, President of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), welcomed the resolution of the long-running legal dispute between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and International Container Terminal Services Inc. (ICTSI) in Oregon.  The parties announced today that they have agreed to end this decade-long litigation and resolve all legal claims between them.

The litigation, captioned ICTSI Oregon, Inc. v. International Longshore and Warehouse Union, et al., Case No. 3:12-cv-1058-SI, pending in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, which was set for a retrial on damages, was stayed by the commencement of ILWU’s and ILWU Local 8’s bankruptcy cases on September 30, 2023 and October 18, 2023, respectively.  Pursuant to the settlement, ICTSI will receive payment of $20.5 million.

“The ITF welcomes this important development and commends the unity and strength of our brothers and sisters in the ILWU during this long and uncertain period,” said Crumlin.



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