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Deutsche Post DHL Group adopts a new OECD Protocol together with the global union federations ITF and UNI and presents a joint work plan for the first time

Hовости Пресс-релиз

Bonn, August 9, 2022: The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), UNI Global Union (UNI) and Deutsche Post DHL (DPDHL) Group have reviewed and strengthened their joint OECD Protocol, signed in 2019. By that agreement all signatories commit to continuous, constructive dialogue on employment and working relationships over the next three years.



During the annual meeting between the General Secretaries of the ITF and UNI with the Board Member for Human Resources at DPDHL Group, the revised agreement was approved by all parties and then signed by the German National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises on July 25, 2022 in Berlin.





To reinforce the agreement, in 2022, the unions and DPDHL developed a joint work plan for the first time, which focuses on issues of common interest such as the implementation of impending German Supply Chain Due Diligence law which pertains to matters such as labor and human rights. The German National Contact Point welcomed the progress made in the relations between the parties.





Since the first OECD Protocol was signed in 2016 under the auspices of the German National Contact Point, the relations between all parties have developed positively and strengthened over the years. The 2016 agreement was renewed in 2019.





The participants committed to continue their productive talks. Regular meetings at the working level will take place three times a year, and the General Secretaries of the ITF and UNI will continue to meet at least once a year with the Board Member for HR at DPDHL Group to engage in an exchange of views.





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Media Contact:





Deutsche Post DHL Group

Dirk Klasen:






International Transport Workers’ Federation

Luke Menzies:






UNI Global Union

Matthew Painter:





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