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Tony Santamera

Hовости 27 May 2021

It is with great sadness and fond memories that we have learned of the passing of Tony Santamera, former National Secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT). On behalf of the entire ITF family and the world’s transport workers, we would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to Tony’s family and friends at this difficult time.

Tony worked tirelessly throughout his life to defend jobs for UK seafarers, and held positions for RMT and NUS over a period of 38 years until his retirement in 2003.

The ITF had engagement with Tony in his role as National Secretary of RMT, especially when the new Labour government came to power in 1997, which everyone hoped would see a revival of British seafarers. Although many of the promises made for UK seafaring ratings never materialised, and progress was at times painfully slow, Tony never gave up the fight for social and economic justice for seafarers.

He was also a committed internationalist and not surprisingly there have been many tributes from outside the UK to Tony. He will be missed within the ITF family. Rest in peace brother.


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