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Vilikesa Naulumatua

Hовости 01 Apr 2018

ITF president, Paddy Crumlin, pays tribute to Vilikesa Naulumatua

"On behalf of the entire ITF family, I express our deep condolences to Brother Bill’s immediate family, friends and Bill’s union, the Federated Airline Staff Association (FASA).

"Bill was the longest standing FASA national secretary, elected in April 2006. He was an immensely proud and active trade unionist and a tireless fighter against injustice.

"Bill was instrumental in the big win for 232 aviation workers who were rightfully returned to work in January 2018, following the 34 day Air Terminal Services lockout."

He was the voice of the union during the dispute, who fought on behalf of all workers in Fiji.

"Bill leaves behind a proud legacy."

"Vale Brother Ratu Vilikesa Naulumatua, a brother, friend and leader to so many, rest in peace."


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