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Ryanair cabin crew meet for the first time to demand fair treatment

Hовости Пресс-релиз

The summit will be organised by Cabin Crew United in Dublin on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 July. This will be the first time that Ryanair cabin crew will come together to demand change at the airline. (2)

After years of ignoring complaints from its workers, in December 2017 Ryanair finally announced that it would recognise trade unions. However, almost six months on there has been little progress from the airline. The first of its kind, July’s summit will bring together cabin crew to ensure that Ryanair keeps to its word.

Conditions at Ryanair have been heavily criticised over the last few years, with the range of issues highlighted including poverty pay, draconian disciplinary procedures, unachievable sales targets and staff having to pay for items that most decent employers provide.

Prior to the summit, unions representing aviation workers are meeting in Brussels on Monday 4 June to discuss how they can best support Ryanair workers in winning fair treatment from the company. The meeting is being convened by the International Transport Workers’ Union (ITF) and European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), who are also supporting the July summit. (3) 


Press contact

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF):

James Bartholomeusz, +44 (0) 7985 752 399,



(1)   The summit will be held on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 July, at the offices of the Irish trade union Fórsa. Journalists are welcome to attend the press conference during the summit, and workers will be available to discuss their grievances and demands. Please contact James Bartholomeusz at ITF if you wish to attend.

(2)  Cabin Crew United is an alliance of trade unions affiliated to the ITF and ETF dedicated to winning a better deal for Ryanair cabin crew workers. To find out more, go to

(3)  Please contact James Bartholomeusz at ITF for more information about the union meeting on Monday 4 June. 

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