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ITF welcomes release of seven Stena Impero seafarers, fate of the remaining crew remains unclear

Hовости 10 Sep 2019

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) welcomes the Iranian authorities release of seven members of crew from the detained British flagged tanker Stena Impero.
According to Iranian state television, the seven seafarers have disembarked the vessel to return home after having had to remain on board the vessel since it was arrested by Iran almost two months ago.
A statement from Stena Bulk chief executive Erik Hanell confirmed the crew release and that the seven seafarers had now flown out of Iran.
“On behalf of the millions of seafarers that the ITF and our affiliates represent globally, we are extremely grateful that seven of the 23 crew members are now free to return home” said Dave Heindel, ITF seafarers section chair.
“We also want to thank our affiliate, the Iranian Merchant Masters Syndicate (IMMS), for visiting the crew on August 31 on behalf of the ITF in a show of solidarity from the world’s seafarers thanks to the approval from the national port and maritime authority.
“Although the release of the seven seafarers is a positive step in the right direction, there are still 16 seafarers that remain on board and 16 families that remain deeply concerned for and missing their loved ones.
“We strongly urge a swift and transparent resolution to this matter so that we can also celebrate their safe return home,” Heindel added.


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