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ITF tells Uber "it's time to change"

Hовости Пресс-релиз

In a letter to Uber’s co-founder and chairman Garrett Camp, ITF general secretary Steve Cotton wrote: ‘The ITF welcomes the coming changes in the top leadership of your company and consider this as a timely opportunity to redress what we and countless others worldwide see as a shameless corporate culture. You now have the chance to fundamentally change how the company operates.


It is high time that Uber abandons its disruptive business model, which undermines or ignores workers’ rights and existing well trained and regulated transport operators, and seeks to sidestep regulations put in place to protect passengers and road users, and to promote safe, sustainable transport systems.


The ITF is not against the use of 21st century technology that improves our transport systems. However, it goes without saying that we will not tolerate the reviving of 19th century employment and working conditions via the so-called gig economy.


Uber is a transport company and its drivers are employees. These hard-working men and women are entitled to a minimum wage, social security and other employee benefits. They have the birthright to freedom of association and to bargain collectively.


The ITF offers Uber an opportunity, private or public, to assist its new top management in reforming its business model – a transition that its employees and the industry have long waited for. We are ready to help you achieve a fair and just transition from your current practices in order to achieve that aim.’


ITF president Paddy Crumlin commented: “At the UN, the European Court of Justice, in London, Copenhagen, New York, Tokyo, Buenos Aires and beyond it has been trade unions that have successfully challenged Uber’s business model. Now it is time for the company to take a deep breath and change for the better. With the recent departures, there’s never been a better chance to do so.”

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