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Joint advance notice. Transition to driverless trucks: Release of new study

Hовости Пресс-релиз

A project outline is available here.
When: The report will be released on the Day 1 of the 2017 Summit of Transport Ministers.
Press conference on Wednesday, 31 May, 09h00 Central European Time (CET).
Where: Leipzig, Germany. Online accreditation here.
Address: Conference Centre Leipzig (CCL), Messe-Allee 1, D-04356 Leipzig, Germany
Who: The report was prepared jointly by truck manufacturers, truck operators, transport unions and an intergovernmental policy think tank. These will be represented at the launch by:
* Anders Kellström will explain technical aspects of the transition. He represents the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), which brings together the 15 Europe-based car, truck, van and bus manufacturers.
 * Christian Labrot will cover the impact of self-driving trucks from the operational side. He is President of the International Road Transport Union, which represents truck, bus, coach and taxi operators globally.
* Mac Urata will highlight labour issues linked with of driverless trucks. He is Transport Secretary of the International Transport Workers' Federation, representing 700 unions and 4.5 million transport workers from 150 countries.
* José Viegas will set the scene and present the recommendations. He is the Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum (ITF), an intergovernmental organisation with 57 member countries linked to the OECD that convened the project.
Transport ministers, industry CEOs, other experts present on site - launch takes place during transport minister summit. Please contact us or see Summit speakers here.
Visuals: Siemens eHighway truck, Mercedes “Vision Van” with delivery drone on display.
Media Contacts:
Michael KLOTH, Head of Communications, International Transport Forum                                               
T + 33 (0)1 45 24 95 96                                          
M +33 (0)6 27 21 47 41                                          
Sam Dawson
Press and Editorial Manager
International Transport Workers’ Federation
M +44 (0)78 50 73 61 46


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