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ITF statement: ITF joins Global Deal

Notícias Comunicado à imprensa

The Global Deal encourages governments, businesses, unions and other organisations to make commitments to enhance social dialogue. It was launched in 2016 by the prime minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, the OECD and the ILO. 

Several countries, trade union organisations and employers’ organisations are partners, and the ITF has  joined as part of its commitment to multilateralism, meaningful cooperation and cross-border social dialogue and collective bargaining. 

Sofia Östmark, the ambassador and coordinator of the Global Deal, said: “We are very pleased to welcome the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) to the Global Deal partnership. 

“The ITF´s work to push for a constructive social dialogue and improve conditions for millions of transport workers across the world is exactly what the Global Deal is about. Their knowledge and experiences will enrich the partnership and our common efforts towards decent work and inclusive growth.”

ITF general secretary, Steve Cotton, added: “The Global Deal partnership is about taking the principles of the decent work agenda and putting them into action. For the ITF and our affiliates, we are approaching a critical juncture; the challenges posed by automation and new technology in transport are due to take centre stage at our upcoming Congress in Singapore.

“We are committed to promoting social dialogue as the model to defend rights and standards and to shape the future for workers across our sectors, and we’ll be pushing for it through our campaigning and policy work in the coming years.” 


For more about the Global Deal partnership click here.