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SRI and ITF release education videos on Day of the Seafarer

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Produced by SRI, the animated films were commissioned by the ITF and funded by the ITF Seafarers’ Trust. They are part of an initiative to help seafarers understand their rights under the MLC.

The first three films are:

More films are currently in production. All are designed to be accessible to seafarers from all countries.

Deirdre Fitzpatrick, SRI executive director, commented: “Seafarers can sometimes consider their rights to be illusory and it is important that the MLC is seen to be of practical relevance to working seafarers. We hope that the films will enable seafarers to understand better the relevance of the MLC and how it can improve their working lives in a real sense.”

David Heindel, chair of the ITF seafarers’ section, said: “As we approach the second anniversary of the entry into force of the MLC, it becomes more critical for the success of the MLC that seafarers are aware of their rights under the convention, and how it can be relied on by them. The convention was the culmination of a lengthy tripartite effort, and it is essential that the result of this cooperation now reaches every seafarer who can benefit from its provisions.”

Jacqueline Smith, ITF maritime coordinator, added: “The films are an important educational tool to explain the MLC. We encourage all seafarers to use them and to contact ITF inspectors worldwide so that they can understand and enforce their critical rights under the MLC. “

The films can also be seen on the SRI app


For further information, please contact

SRI. Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Executive Director

Tel: 020 7940 9252



ITF. Sam Dawson, Press and Editorial Manager

Tel: 020 7940 9260



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