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Keep unregulated taxis out of Belgium! Union acts on Uber


Although currently prohibited in Belgium, Uber has been operating in Brussels and there have been calls for a lift in restrictions. A seminar at the Free University of Brussels last week, an initiative of Brussels MP Els Ampe who is responsible for mobility in the city, saw general manager of Uber Belgium address an audience on technology and innovation.

To coincide with the event around fifty BTB representatives and taxi driver members from across Belgium gathered outside, leafleting participants as they arrived and inviting them to take part in a game to identify the ‘real’ taxi driver from a line-up of drivers.

The game saw four people holding up cards each with a different status including ‘no driving license’, ‘rapist’, ‘no insurance’, ‘real taxi driver’. These were concealed from the participant until they picked who they thought was the real driver. Once they chose a driver, the status of that driver was revealed.

Frank Moreels of the BTB and vice chair of the ITF road transport section said: “The only innovating thing about Uber is their app. Uber is a money-making machine who is the least interested in the taxi driver or customer. Uber doesn’t take any responsibility for the screening and training of their drivers, insurance and maintenance of the vehicles. Uber is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Check out pictures of the action and find out more about union efforts to halt the spread of Uber.

ITF inland transport secretary Mac Urata addressed the rally via video. Watch the clip.

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