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Minister of Labour: LAN Ecuador’s dismissal of trade union leader is unconstitutional

أخبار بيان صحفي

After meeting with LAN Ecuador management, the Minister of Labour, Carlos Ernesto Marx, told members of the Aerolane Workers’ Trade Union (SITA) he is convinced that the dismissal of the trade union leader, Jimena López, is unconstitutional. “The dismissal is unconstitutional”, said the minister, indicating frustration at the company’s refusal to adopt a conciliatory stance and reinstate the trade union leader to her job.

Given LAN Ecuador’s refusal to reverse the illegal dismissal, the Minister of Labour said that legal action would be required to re-establish the rights guaranteed to its citizens by the Ecuadorian Constitution.

In the afternoon of Tuesday 16 December, the Minister of Labour, Carlos Ernesto Marx, met LAN Ecuador’s manager and legal representative, Max Naranjo, at the company’s offices in order to ensure “compliance with the Constitution” and to mediate between the company and the workers, who have been taking action in the country and elsewhere in Latin America since 10 October, to demand the reinstatement of trade union leader, Jimena López. The unions claimed the dismissal was illegal and designed to prevent the union from organising in the company.


More information

Dina Feller, coordinator of ITF’s LATAM Network
Tel: +54 911 63030725. Email:

Jimena López, general secretary, SITA
Tel. +59 3995036803

Nancy Arancibia Olivares, journalist LATAM Network
Tel. +56 9 97434611 Skype: nancy_arancibia

Facebook: Red-Latam-Itf -    Twitter: @LATAMNETWORKITF 

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بيان الـITF حول حادث تصادم رحلة شركة طيران PSA رقم 5342

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أخبار بيان صحفي

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