An ITF women’s strategic leadership and organising course ended today in Barbados, with a commitment to continue building the leadership power of ITF women in the Caribbean.
The course ran for five days, and was hosted by ITF affiliate the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU). It was developed with and jointly presented by Dr Elaine Bernard, Executive Director of Harvard Labor and Worklife Programme, and Alison McGarry, ITF women’s co-ordinator. ITF women from across the Caribbean learnt to identify and use their existing skills to become stronger, more effective leaders. The course is part of the ITF’s commitment to strengthen women leadership at affiliate unions and internally – a commitment more important than ever in these harsh economic times.
Participants have given great feedback so far. Wilma Clement, assistant general secretary at the BWU, said: “The effect of the global economic crisis has hit Caribbean transport unions and our membership hard. Finding membership dues for organisations like ITF is more and more difficult so it’s been helpful to share experiences with other women transport workers in the region”. She added that the workshop showed how women can build strategic alliances with colleagues in regional unions to manage common challenges.
McGarry said that the programme trains sisters in strategic planning and organising, which are essential tools for any women leaders. She emphasised the special importance of strong women leadership during this global economic recession and re-stated the ITF’s commitment to support women union leaders and workers to fulfill their leadership potential.
You can find out more at the women’s section
We’ve also made a film featuring women leaders in unions globally