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Bangladesh Inland Navigation workers’ victory


Under the agreement, workers will receive a significant rise of 20 per cent in gross salary.
Chowdhury Ashiqul Alam, secretary general of the workers’ union, Bangladesh Noujan Sramik Federation, said: Thanks to the ITF for your solidarity support. This is a victory of Inland Navigation workers of Bangladesh.”

Welcoming the agreement, Nick Bramley, national secretary of Nautilus International, Switzerland Branch and chairman, ITF Inland Navigation Section, said:

“This is a triumph after your long struggle for decent wages, safe working places and respect for boatmen and boatwomen. Your work on one of the great rivers of the world is invaluable to the economy and wellbeing of Bangladesh and deserves adequate recognition by employers, the state and the general public alike.”

The workers have been fighting for their rights since 2009. Their demands included a revised pay structure, ensuring security on waterways and maintaining the navigability of rivers.

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