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Network of women in Egypt transport unions launched


The first meeting of a new network of women in Egypt’s transport unions took place last month.

Twenty-five women representatives from the civil aviation, public transport and maritime transport sectors attended.  They elected a board of directors comprising 11 women and agreed that the main objective of the network was to strengthen women's issues in the transport sector in Egypt at the collective bargaining table or in collective labour agreements.

Samar Youssif Safan, ITF’s Arab Women Organiser, said: “We are very pleased to have got this network off the ground.  It will be an important means for women in the transport unions in Egypt to share their experience and expertise, and to explore how they can play an even bigger role in their unions to achieve better pay and conditions for all women transport workers in the country.”

Bilal Malkawi, ITF Arab world regional secretary, commented: “Women in Egypt have played a very important and major role in making a real change since the revolution. This network will strengthen their work to achieve their rights.”

The next meeting will be held in February and will determine the network’s rules of operation.

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