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Union poster campaign to challenge stereotype of ‘what a docker looks like’


A new poster campaign designed to challenge traditional preconceptions about ‘what a docker looks like’ has been launched by ITF unions in the Asia Pacific region.

The women dockers meeting in Manila last month was the backdrop for discussion on the public, union and employer perspective on the characteristics of port workers with the new poster template being the result. Unions from across the region are adding their own images, of women and men in traditional port roles but also other positions like clerical and hospital staff, to the template to make the posters engaging and relevant for local audiences.

It’s hoped that the posters will promote joint working between male and female colleagues as well as encouraging women to become union members.

ITF women’s coordinator Alison McGarry said: "Women workers are increasingly active in dockers unions and are keen to see women port workers represented in union activity."

McGarry also went on to highlight the importance of the 15th annual V-Day Rising, an internationally recognised date for the organising of events raising awareness over violence towards women. She said: "ITF unions in the Asia Pacific region will be supporting V-Day Rising to increase awareness and show how active transport unions are combating violence against women transport workers. The ITF unions have a proud record of saying no to violence against women, violence both in the workplace and in the home."

Visit the union building resources ( section of the ITF women's pages to download the template or request a copy via email

Find out more about V-Day events near you.

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