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ITF: tragic death of seafarer proves that lashing is dockers' work

أخبار بيان صحفي 15 Nov 2018

Dennis Gomez Regana, from the Philippines, died after a container struck him at Southbank Quay on Wednesday 14 November, when he was doing lashing work while container lifting operations were underway. He was on board the MV Francop, which is under a known flag of convenience registry.

ITF maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith said: "Our thoughts go out to the family, friends and fellow crew members of Dennis Gomez Regana. But let's be clear, he never should have been put in this dangerous position.

"When a ship gets to port the seafarers on board have done their work, they should be maintaining their ship and resting. The very last thing they should be doing is the difficult and dangerous work of lashing and securing containers. The work should be left to dockers who have the training and experience to do it more safely.”

ITF dockers section representative Peter Lahay added: "The ITF and ETF are clear that it is better for dockers and seafarers if this work is done by dock workers. Lashing is dockers work, full stop.

“We must put an end to unscrupulous shipowners and port operators putting pressure on seafarers to do lashing and securing. I hope they take notice of this tragedy today and change their ways, if they don't then more seafarers will be seriously hurt or killed. We look forward to reading the report and recommendations of the Irish authorities."


More information about the ITF lashing campaign is here:

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) helps create borderless solidarity among transport workers around the world. We support 670 affiliate trade unions in 140 countries, representing 19.7 million workers.

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