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ETF president in support of striking workers in Risavika


On 27 November ETF president Lars Lindgren led an international delegation to express support to the workers at Risavika terminal in Norway.

A boycott of the terminal has been ongoing since 1 November, due to the refusal of management to sign up to the national collective agreement, and to their declared intention to make use of seafarers to carry out cargo handling duties.

The delegation included representatives of ETF/ITF affiliates Swedish Transport Workers’ Union, BTB, 3F and Solidarnosc who showed their full solidarity to the fight led by the Norwegian Transport Workers’ Union (NTF).

Addressing the workers at the terminal Lindgren said: "This is one of several attacks that dockers are facing all across Europe. We are all here today to show all our support to this boycott and to voice the condemnation of all European transport workers to the behaviour of the management at Risavika. We will keep supporting NTF, as we cannot accept social dumping in our ports."

Amongst other solidarity actions carried out by ETF affiliates in support of the boycott was a gathering in front of the Norwegian embassy in Brussels organised by ACV-Transcom.

For more information on how to support the boycott in Risavika, please visit the solidarity page.

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إضراب عمال النقل في كوريا الجنوبية من أجل الديمقراطية وظروف العمل الآمنة

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