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Ver.di takes DHL pressure industry wide


As union members and supporters worldwide prepare for a day of support on 26 March for the families affected by DHL Turkey’s dismissals, ITF affiliate ver.di has stepped up the pressure on the German parent company, following a recent visit to Germany by representatives of the Turkish workers’ union Tumtis. 

Following the Tumtis visit, ver.di’s federal executive for postal services, forwarding and logistics adopted a resolution calling on the board of the Deutsche Post DHL Group to reinstate the more than 20 sacked workers and enter into dialogue with Tumtis. This is being circulated for signature to ver.di members across the entire German logistics industry. It gives support to Tumtis and expresses concern over the company’s behaviour in Turkey.

It also reinforces ver.di’s belief that the true reason for the dismissals since June 2012 was the workers’ attempts to organise a union, not the alleged poor performance claimed by DHL Turkey.

Ingo Marowsky, ITF global head - supply chain and logistics, commented: “It’s great to see that in spite of DHL’s behaviour abroad, there is continued success in building the pressure for change in DHL in Germany.”

The DHL families’ day aims to drive home to the company and its major shareholder, the German government, the seriousness of the impact of DHL Turkey’s behaviour. Union members will send protest letters to local DHL management, the parent company and the German government; and organise picnics and gatherings in workplaces, near German embassies and with their local Turkish communities.

To express support for the dismissed DHL Turkey workers, use Twitter #respectdhl or visit the Respect at DHL or ITF Facebook pages.

For more information about the DHL families’ day on 26 March see here.

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