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New ITF Seafarers app available now


Following on from the success of earlier seafarer apps, the new ITF Seafarers app launched for IOS and Android last week.

In March, the ITF launched two separate apps – Look up a ship and Find an inspector. These apps enabled seafarers to find out ship particulars, and to make contact with ITF inspectors and affiliated maritime unions. Both apps had very positive feedback from seafarers and those chartering ships alike, which inspired the ITF to combine and improve the apps into a one-stop-shop for seafarer needs.

“By making the apps available for free on the two most widely used smartphone operating systems, we hope to reach many seafarers”, said Steve Trowsdale, ITF head of maritime training and development. “Seafarers can now use the app to look up a ship, find an inspector or union, and get in contact with the ITF helpline. The app will also leave a local copy of the find an inspector data on your phone, so even if you can’t access the internet onboard ship, your phone will remember all the information you need to stay informed”. ITF Seafarers will continue to be developed with new features expected soon.

ITF Seafarers will replace Look up a ship and Find an inspector, which have now been removed from the app stores.

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