The women are newly-organised members of the ITF-affiliated Tumtis union, and work in the DHL supply chain. Many of the women played an active role in the DHL organising campaign to get their workplaces unionised. The long-running campaign, backed by ITF, came to an end in October last year when DHL finally recognised Tumtis as the lawful union of choice for DHL Turkey Supply Chain staff.
The women’s experience as activists and organisers gave them an interest in finding out more about how unions work, and what role organisers and shop stewards can play in ensuring decent work for all.
The training was an opportunity for women to deepen their understanding of how unions work, and what unions can achieve. They also had the opportunity to share their experiences of organising in the workplace, especially around issues to do with pay and working overtime. The seminar also provided space for them to ask questions about the structure and activities of unions and global union federations alike.
The women’s workplaces are newly organised and currently negotiating with employers for an agreement. The training provided the women with a timely opportunity to find out more about how the negotiating process works.
Ingo Marowsky, the ITF global head – supply chain and logistics, congratulated the women on their achievements so far and on their continued commitment to union work: “These workers have already achieved a great deal. They have won the fight in their workplaces for proper recognition. I congratulate them on their victories to date – and I hope that this is just the first step on the workers’ journey as part of the ITF family”.
Women transport workers are organising across supply chains
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إحراز تقدم سريع لصالح النساء العاملات بالنقل
في اليوم العالمي للمرأة، يفخر الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل (ITF) بأن يؤكد من جديد أن المرأة لها دور ومكان في قطاع النقل، وفي النقابات، وفي عملية صنع القرار، وفي القيادة. في مؤتمر العام الماضي، احتفلنا
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