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Galaxy Leader crew released after 14 months in captivity

أخبار بيان صحفي

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) welcomes news of the release of the Galaxy Leader crew, after being held captive for more than a year.

While celebrating the crew’s release, the ITF is urging governments and industry to do more to safeguard seafarers from becoming collateral damage in conflicts not of their making, as well as from piracy and criminalisation.

Yemen’s Houthis announced the release of the crew of the Galaxy Leader, after negotiations brokered by Oman.

The Galaxy Leader’s international crew, from the Philippines (17), Ukraine (3), Mexico (2), Bulgaria (2) and Romania (1), had been detained since November 2023.

Stephen Cotton, ITF’s General Secretary, said: “We are delighted that the crew of the Galaxy Leader has been released after more than a year being held hostage in Yemen.

What is most important now is that these 25 seafarers are able to return to their homes and families as soon as possible, and that they receive the appropriate support after their unimaginable ordeal."

“Seafarers are the backbone of global trade, connecting our economies and societies, yet too often they become collateral damage in conflicts not of their making. The harrowing experiences of the Galaxy Leader’s crew demonstrate the repercussions of war and underscore the need for peace and diplomacy to prevail.

"Governments, industry, and the international community must urgently take stronger, more decisive action to ensure that seafarers—who move our world everyday—are protected and able to do their jobs without having to endure the impacts of war, piracy attacks or criminalisation."

The ITF calls on the Houthis to end all attacks on commercial vessels and to provide clear assurances that seafarers transiting the Red Sea will be safe.

Dave Heindel, ITF Seafarers’ Section Chair and President of the  Seafarers International Union (SIU), said: “These seafarers have been held hostage far from their homes for 14 months now – it’s unimaginable what impact this must have had on their, and their families’, wellbeing.

“Guaranteeing safe passage through the Red Sea for all commercial ships must be the next step – we urge the Houthis to give this assurance immediately. Until they do, shipping companies must act with caution, ensuring that protecting seafarers’ lives is their first priority.”

The ITF stresses that while the release of the crew of the Galaxy Leader is an extremely positive development, governments must do more to prevent the capture and detention of innocent crews. In addition to geopolitical conflicts, many seafarers still face threats such as piracy and criminalisation—underscoring the urgent need for stronger protections and decisive action and collaboration with unions from governments, industry and international institutions.

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