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Alexander Bodnya


With deep regret, the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) mourns the passing of Alexander Mikhailovich Bodnya, Vice-President of the Seafarers Union of Russia (SUR) and President of the SUR Baltic Regional Organization, at the age of 72.

Alexander's maritime career began after graduating from Leningrad Maritime School with a degree in Navigation. He served on the ships of the Baltic Shipping Company, participating in significant voyages to North America, Cuba, and the Arctic.

Alexander was instrumental in founding SUR and his leadership transformed the SUR Baltic Regional Organization into a unified team of professionals committed to supporting seafarers.
Throughout his career, Alexander assisted countless seafarers, tirelessly advocating for justice, and providing support in challenging times.

Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary, said: " Alex spent his lifetime serving seafarers in Russia’s national fleet and in doing so helped build a strong seafarers union. After many changes to the Russian shipping companies, he continued to push for seafarers benefits and demand international wages for seafarers. He was active all through his life defending seafarers while active in the pro-democracy movement.”

ITF President Paddy Crumlin added: "Alex's contributions to the Seafarers Union of Russia, Russian seafarers and the international maritime community were immense – and he will be missed by many in the international union community. Our thoughts, prayers, and condolences are with his family and comrades during this difficult time.”

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