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Canada: ITF Dockers delegation delivers solidarity message


The ITF Dockers’ Section are in Vancouver, Canada showing solidarity to the sisters and brothers of ILWU Canada.

The delegation is visiting workers at picket lines and has included ITF Dockers' Section vice chair and ILWU International President Willie Adams, as well as ITF Dockers’ Section 2nd vice chair Niek Stam. Stam also serves as leader of Dutch dockers’ union FNV Havens.

Mr Adams spoke at a major rally in Vancouver at the weekend held in support of the workers. It featured strong international representation, including ILWU locals from across North America, and from Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ).

From the day this strike began on 1 July, ITF Dockers and affiliate leaders have been on the frontline with ILWU Canada members.

Niek Stam and the ITF Dockers secretariat team have visited more than 13 picket lines this week, addressing hundreds of striking members. Niek Stam said “We have met with all kinds of workers along these picket lines. Permanent workers, casual workers; male, female; older workers, younger ones.”

“Regardless of whether they are mechanics, crane drivers, lashers or other dock workers: they are one. They fight as one," he said.

"All are organised under ILWU Canada. And now these workers know they fight with our solidarity: ‘An injury to one is an injury to all’."

The message is clear: the ITF will stand with our sisters and brothers in Canada until they get the contract they deserve.



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