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In Memoriam - Shane Enright


The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is saddened to mark the death of Shane Enright, a lifelong fighter for the rights of transport workers and LGBT+ people.

Shane worked for many years in the ITF Civil Aviation Section, before going on to work as Campaign Manager and Community Organiser for Amnesty International, specifically focused on workers’ rights.

Shane was an activist in the Transport and General Workers' Union during the 80s and 90s, and as an out gay man was pivotal in securing trade union support for LGBT+ rights. It was Shane who successfully moved the motion at the T&G Biennial Delegate Conference on Lesbian and Gay rights. Shane was also active in Lesbians & Gays support the miners.

ITF General Secretary, Stephen Cotton, said: “It is deeply upsetting to hear this news. From organising for workers’ and LGBT+ rights, to campaigning for social and environmental justice, it is difficult to capture in words the breadth and importance of Shane’s contributions to our movement. 

"The thoughts of all the ITF and our affiliates are with his family and loved ones, but I know that his memory will be an inspiration to us all.”

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إضراب عمال النقل في كوريا الجنوبية من أجل الديمقراطية وظروف العمل الآمنة

عشرون ألفاً من عمال النقل و القطاع العام في كوريا الجنوبية يُنظّمون مسيرات إضرابية احتجاجاً على الإجراءات الحكومية ويطالبون بتحسين ظروف العمل. تجمع أعضاء اتحاد عمال النقل والخدمات العامة الكورية (KPTU

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