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Ukraine: Solidarity strengthened by conflict


On the 24 February 2022, the world was shocked and saddened when the Russian Federation attacked Ukraine. While defences were mobilised, and women and children fled regions under attack, transport workers continued to do their duty. Rail workers kept the trains moving, transporting people to safety and goods to where they were needed. They put their own lives at risk during bombardments and deliberately targeted shelling to maintain the essential service for their often-traumatised passengers. Meanwhile seafarers feared for their families at home, many from port cities under occupation or destroyed completely by the aggressor. And dockers kept essential supplies moving in and out of Ukraine.

Many transport unions around the world quickly offered support to their sisters and brothers in Ukraine and in April 2022 the ETF and the ITF set up a solidarity fund to provide financial support to the Ukrainian affiliates, their members, and families. 

Since the fund was established, roughly £400,000 GBP (around $490,000 USD) has been used to purchase humanitarian goods. Generators, solar batteries, propane tanks, heaters, food, sanitary and children’s packages have been distributed among the unions’ members and their families. As many of the items as possible have been purchased inside Ukraine itself to assist the national economy and the remainder was procured in Poland.

In addition, the ITF Seafarers’ Trust worked with the Marine Transport Workers Trade Union (MTWTU) to help seafarers’ families to leave the country, organising transportation by bus and temporary accommodation in Romania. A further project enabled 50 Ukrainian seafarer cadets to pursue their studies in Lithuania through agreements with the Lithuanian Maritime Academy and Kherson State Maritime Academy; additional support was provided to students of the Odesa Maritime Academy.

ITF, ETF and ITF Seafarers' Trust leaders meet with Ukrainian unions | (Credit: ITF)

ITF, ETF leaders visit Ukraine

Last week, the unions (MTWTU, the Trade Union of Railwaymen and Transport Construction Workers of Ukraine – TURWTCU, and the Free Trade Union of Locomotive Engineers of Ukraine), invited the ETF, ITF, and ITF Seafarers’ Trust to a solidarity meeting in Ukraine. A small group representing the ETF Management Committee, the ITF Executive Board, and the Trust, including union leaders from Croatia, France, and Lithuania went to the Zakarpattia region near the Hungarian border and met with the unions.

Representatives from the ITF Rail Section stand shoulder to shoulder with railway workers in Ukraine
Representatives from the ITF Rail Section stand shoulder to shoulder with railway workers in Ukraine | (Credit: ITF)

For two days the group discussed the unprecedented trials and tribulations endured by the unions and their members during the last year. It was emotional and inspirational to hear how the unions and the transport workers of Ukraine have shown strength and bravery fighting for their country, their families, and friends. Through it all, they stayed positive and determined for victory and a return to peace in Ukraine.

TURWTCU chair Oleksiy Semerun with ITF's Michal Rozworski during the solidarity visit to Ukraine | (Credit: ITF)

This tragic and senseless war has brought people closer together and shown strength in unity. New friendships have been forged, close ties renewed, and it was agreed to redouble efforts to raise funds – not only for immediate humanitarian goods, but also for future long term support. As well as the need for physical reconstruction, it is clear that the psychological scars of war will be considerable and require attention also. The meeting concluded that mental health support and rehabilitation and recuperation for the children of transport workers impacted by the conflict must be prioritised.

MTWTU Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk with ITF Maritime Coordinator Jacqueline Smith | (Credit: ITF)

We call all ITF and ETF affiliates to contribute the solidarity fund during this difficult time for our sisters and brothers in Ukraine. Donations can be made to the Ukraine Solidarity fund here

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أخبار بيان صحفي

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