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The Dockast - Episode 3: What young workers want – with guests Jack Boutros and Aarin Moon


What’s stopping young people from joining a union? Is big tech a big threat to workers? And can you hear an ‘air quote’ through a podcast…?🤔Answering these questions and more are hosts Viri Gomez (ILWU Canada 🇨🇦) and Nick Loridan (ABBV-BTB Belgium 🇧🇪), along with their special guests Jack Boutros and Aarin Moon, both of whom are on the front line of organising young workers in Australia.

Jack Boutros is a Sydney-based gig economy campaigner fighting for the rights of delivery riders with the Transport Workers’ Union of Australia 🇦🇺. Usually based working at the union’s national office, Jack tells our hosts of how he’s swapped his campaign boots for the world of ‘organising’ in the workplace - signing workers up to join the union and working with them to build their collective power.Aarin Moon is an organiser with the Maritime Union of Australia 🇦🇺. His maritime working life began on the docks of Newcastle, New South Wales, where Aarin first joined the mighty MUA as a first as rank-and-file member. Since then, he’s been involved in the some of the MUA’s most important organising campaigns of the last few years, today as a full-time organiser. Aarin’s recent organising victories include the MUA and other unions’ efforts to successfully unionise Melbourne’s Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT), securing a collective bargaining agreement in the face of significant initial opposition from the terminal’s owner ICSTI.Like and subscribe, comrades. ✊🚩🏗

The Dockast - Episode 3 available now on:


The Dockast Episode 3 is also available on Spotify here.

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بيان الـITF حول حادث تصادم رحلة شركة طيران PSA رقم 5342

يُعرب الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل (ITF) عن صدمته وحزنه العميق إزاء حادث التصادم الجوي المأساوي الذي وقع في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم بالقرب من واشنطن العاصمة، بين رحلة الخطوط الجوية الأمريكية رقم 5342
أخبار بيان صحفي

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