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Doris Sin

أخبار 18 Feb 2021

It is with great shock that the ITF reports the death of Doris Sin, Assistant Head of the ITF (FOC) Hong Kong Campaign Office. Our thoughts are with Doris’ family in this difficult time.

Doris was a key member of the ITF team in Hong Kong for over seven years. As Assistant to the Head of the ITF (FOC) Hong Kong Campaign office she worked tirelessly to promote our causes and achieve victories for transport workers around the world.

ITF General Secretary, Stephen Cotton, expressed his sympathies on behalf of the ITF: “Personally, it was a great pleasure to work with Doris. She was such an unassuming character, always hardworking, diligent and professional in her work. From the moment she started work on the Hong Kong dockers project she displayed compassion, intelligence and built a global network. She touched all of our lives and she will be sorely missed.”

Doris’ death will be felt across the ITF, particularly in the Asia Pacific region where she worked closely with our regional offices and affiliates. She actively played a role as a bridge for communications in the Hong Kong Trade Union movement and within her union she demonstrated endless energy. The dockers industrial dispute in 2013 highlighted her wisdom, perseverance and ability to tackle hardships. Local dockers and unions were all heartbroken when they heard the sad news of her passing.

We mourn the loss of a sister, comrade and friend. Rest in peace sister Doris.

على أرض الواقع

أخبار 24 Jun 2024

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