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Bob White


ITF general secretary Steve Cotton has expressed his sadness at the death at the age of 81 of lifelong trade unionist and former Canadian Labour Congress president Bob White.

Writing to the members of Bob White’s former union, Unifor, Steve Cotton said:

Like you, we in the ITF mourn the loss of Bob White, a giant of Canadian trade unionism, especially those of us who were fortunate enough to know Bob personally.

In his thankfully long and undoubtedly productive life Bob exemplified the trade union ideal: being a true internationalist who was always ready to fight for the workers of his union and country. His work to forge a Canadian model of trade unionism was matched by his untiring labours with the ITUC, TUAC and for causes such as anti-apartheid and the rejection of international trade deals that risk depriving workers of their rights and gains.

We salute Bob’s tireless devotion, and offer our sympathy and best wishes to the family and friends that he left behind, but take comfort and lessons from the fact of a long life, well and fruitfully lived.

Yours in sympathy,

Steve Cotton

ITF general secretary

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