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Joint statement by the ITF and DHL: DHL Turkey and Tümtis start negotiations

أخبار بيان صحفي

DHL Turkey and Tümtis have agreed to start negotiations on a collective labour agreement (CLA).

Following a first-instance court decision confirming Tümtis has met the requirements for recognition, both parties have met for first, informal talks over the last weeks.

In these talks, which were also attended by the ITF, Tümtis and DHL both expressed their willingness to enter into a trustful and sustainable relationship.

Therefore, Tümtis has confirmed to DHL that it wants to be a reliable partner to DHL that is interested in fair negotiations.

DHL decided not to make use of its right to appeal against the court decision but to start CLA negotiations with Tümtis as soon as Tümtis has received the formal authorisation by the government.


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