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Press lunch invitation: Ryanair crew summit

أخبار بيان صحفي

You are invited to attend a press lunch on 4 July to hear from workers directly about their demands and the possibility of strikes over the summer.

Cabin Crew United will be holding the summit in the office of the Irish trade union Fórsa on 3-4 July.

Please join us for a press conference at 11:30 on 4 July, where the charter of demands will be unveiled and Ryanair cabin crew will be available for comment. This will be followed by lunch.

After years of ignoring complaints from its workers, in December 2017 Ryanair finally announced that it would recognise trade unions. However, six months on there has been little progress from the company. The first of its kind, the summit will bring together cabin crew to ensure that the company keeps to its word.

Conditions at Ryanair have been heavily criticised over the last few years, with the range of issues highlighted including poverty pay, draconian disciplinary procedures, unachievable sales targets and staff having to pay for items that most decent employers provide.

Last week, the company signed a recognition deal with Unite covering all UK-based cabin crew it directly employs. While this represents a major step forwards, Ryanair has yet to provide any concrete improvement in pay and conditions for any workers across its network. This also follows a breach of Italian labour law by the company in attempting to dictate to workers which union should represent them.

It is clear that Ryanair has a long way to go before it wins a reputation as a good employer. If the company does not begin to negotiate with unions in good faith and deliver real improvements for workers across its network, it risks a summer of industrial action. It also remains possible that pilots and ground crew will join cabin crew in striking for fair pay and conditions.

If you are able to attend the press lunch, or have any questions about the campaign for a better deal at Ryanair, please get in touch with James Bartholomeusz at the International Transport Workers’ Federation at or on +44 (0) 7715 074 293.


Press contact and RSVPs

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF):
James Bartholomeusz, +44 (0) 7715 074 293,


1. The press conference will be held at 11:30 on Wednesday 4 July at the office of the Irish trade union Fórsa (Nerney’s Court, Dublin D01 R2C5). Lunch will be provided afterwards.

2. Cabin Crew United is an alliance of trade unions affiliated to the International Transport Workers’ Federation and European Transport Workers’ Federation, dedicated to winning a better deal for Ryanair cabin crew workers. To find out more, go to 

3. The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) creates borderless solidarity among transport workers in every corner of the globe. It supports 670 affiliate trade unions in 140 countries, representing 19.7 million workers.

4. The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) embraces transport trade unions from the European Union, the European Economic Area and Central and Eastern European countries. The ETF represents more than five million transport workers from more than 230 transport unions and 42 European countries.

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أخبار بيان صحفي

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